Archive for the ‘Ganja Gear’ Category
Humboldt Traders Hemp Wick
I got my free sample of Hemp Wick from Humboldt Traders in the mail today and while I was expecting a small sample I instead got a 100 foot roll of heavy wick.
OK, so it’s hemp used to light cannabis, big deal, I have a butane lighter that does a fine job every time i use it, which is dozens of times a day, why should I use a Hemp wick to spark my bowl?
Let’s do a little research on butane, shall we?
A quick Google of “Butane inhalation” brought me to this…
Neurotoxic Effects from Butane Gas
Acute Intoxication
Because butane gas inhalants enter through the pulmonary system, they immediately enter into the blood supply and within seconds produce intoxication. The acute effects of inhalants include dizziness, hypertension (increased blood pressure), tachycardia (increased heart rate), impaired coordination, disorientation, temporal distortion, confusion, thick slurred speech, delirium, hallucinations, assaults and suicide attempts. Depending upon the inhalant, recovery may take minutes to hours or may not occur at all. Single episode use can be fatal because of oxygen displacement from red blood cells, hypoxia and asphyxiation. Victims of pulmonary effects are often found with a paper bag over the head.Profound relaxation and deep sleep usually follow the initial euphoric phase.Unpleasant symptoms reported after the use of inhalants include agitation, seizures, ataxia, headache, and dizziness.
Yea, I can see where I have been taking in a LOT of butane over the last 40 some years of chronic weed consumption, so I can see the upside to using Hemp Wick to cut back on the neurotoxic effects from clicking my Bic.
Also, Humboldt Traders has this on their website:
But what about the taste? does it really make it better? I can’t really say one way or the other but I did notice the ease with which I could “corner” my bowl with a more precise application of flame, properly done I can get 4 “green hits” off the same bowl, win…and I’m not trying to hold a lighter in a manner that mostly ensures it will singe my thumb…win, and when passing the bowl around the circle there isn’t the annoying “hot lighter” effect that can harsh a buzz.
Overall I give this a very good rating, and I will certainly allocate a few feet of it to my camping supplies and survival “bug out bag”.
Stop by Humboldt Traders and grab your own free sample, hey, it’s free, and they even sent me a free sticker to go along with it. I’m suspecting once you try it most will find it adds to the smoking experience, kind of like the exquisiteness of a Japanese Tea ceremony adds to the flavor of the Tea.