
OCTOBER 23, 2012 BY 


The Hash Plant originally came from Holland but made its way to the US in the 80’s. The super breed of Indica allowed the plant to have a phenomenal flowering cycle coming in at roughly 40-45 days. Due to the Indica phenotype one can expect a short stocky plant with thick resin rich buds. The Hash Plant doesn’t contain the word Hash in it for no reason. Many people use this plant to make some of the finest hash in the world. It also opens up the possibility of making essential hemp oils which is used to cure cancer and other chronic illnesses.

Most of the time this plant is grown indoors, but if you live in an area that is dry and more like the Mediterranean, outdoors will provide you with an exceptional yield.

Patients agree that this strain is exceptionally helpful with the following conditions; Cancer treatment, Insomnia, Muscle Pain, Chronic Pain and lack of appetite. Some of the significant side effects are red eyes and dry mouth of which Marijuana Doctors 411 recommends drinking lots of liquids. Also we recommend that this strain be used at night times as it promotes rest within most patients. It is exceptional in terms of insomnia.

Another thing to comment about Hash Plant is its exceptional ability to be cloned, mark this with a short flowering cycle you can have a consistent flow of cannabis with this plant.

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