Archive for the ‘Buds’ Category

The need for weed

Marijuana and Man, Mind, Body and Soul

We are hardwired to use Marijuana. Just like Vitamins, Minerals and Oxygen Marijuana is a part of who we are. There are specific receptors in your Brain that use the molecules found in Marijuana. God made us that way, if you believe in God, or we developed this way over millions of years if your an evolutionist. Either way, our brains are adapted to use Pot. In fact research has indicated that Neural Growth is actually dependent on the introduction of tetrahydrocannabinol
Marijuana is a fat soluble substance, so it’s active ingredients are released into any fats used to cook it. Marijuana Tea will contain little to no THC unless some fat or oil like milk is added during the brewing process. Marijuana leaves can be eaten in Salads, dried, crushed and added to any prepared foods and Marijuana Seeds are quite delicious when roasted. There are no known toxic effects to any part of the plant.

You can obtain Omega-3 (essential to normal growth, reduces triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis).[2] Omega-6 and GLA from Hemp. Marijuana as a medicine has been part of the Human pharmacology throughout recorded history,  it was described in a Chinese medical compendium considered to date from 2737 BC, it has been shown to treat or have benefits in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, Brain cancer, Opioid dependence, Spasticity in multiple sclerosis, Glaucoma, Indigestion, Insomnia and many other common afflictions. [3]

Marijuana can be argued to be the most important plant in Christendom, as it is the active ingredient in the Holy Anointing Oil used to anoint those risen Priesthood. It is also to be used to sanctify the Alter and all implements therein. To become the “Christ” Jesus had to be covered in Anointing Oil until it dripped from his garments. Marijuana was used by the Scythians, Sadhus, Rastafari, Hebrews, Muslims, Chinese wu “shamans”, Germanic pagans, Hindus and many other religious sects throughout recorded history. [4][5]

The only seriously harmful effects of using marijuana are those that come from being arrested for using, growing or selling it. The only reasons to keep marijuana Illegal are to create more prisoners to feed a vast prison system and to protect the market share for synthetic fibers.


Marijuana Blog from AlaskaHemp

ViaVolt Fluorscents

March Sunshine
All Florescent

Sept 2008 Bud

Stash Box
Safety Briefing