New report: Marijuana Saves Lives

According to unconfirmed and anonymous sources Marijuana has been shown to have saved the lives of countless millions of assholes over the last 50 years primarily due to it’s calming effect on the average liberal.

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Medical Mary Jane

Medical cannabis refers to the parts of the herb cannabis used as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy, or to synthetic forms of specific cannabinoids such as THC as a physician-recommended form of medicine. The Cannabis plant has a long history of use as medicine, with historical evidence dating back to 2737 BCE. Cannabis is one of the 50 “fundamental” herbs of traditional Chinese medicine, and is prescribed for a broad range of indications.

Clinical applications

“Victoria”, the United States’ first legal medical marijuana plant grown by The Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana.

“Glaucoma” was published on, and is shown here in it’s original form.  However, this version is designed for WC3, accessibility compliance.

A 2002 review of medical literature by Franjo Grotenhermen states that medical cannabis has established effects in the treatment of nausea, vomiting, premenstrual syndrome, unintentional weight loss, insomnia, and lack of appetite. Other “relatively well-confirmed” effects were in the treatment of “spasticity, painful conditions, especially neurogenic pain, movement disorders, asthma, [and] glaucoma“.

Preliminary findings indicate that cannabis-based drugs could prove useful in treating adrenal disease, inflammatory bowel disease, migraines, fibromyalgia, and related conditions.

Medical cannabis has also been found to relieve certain symptoms of multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries by exhibiting antispasmodic and muscle-relaxant properties as well as stimulating appetite.

Other studies state that cannabis or cannabinoids may be useful in treating alcohol abuseamyotrophic lateral sclerosis, collagen-induced arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, bipolar disordercolorectal cancerHIV-Associated Sensory Neuropathy, depression, dystonia, epilepsy, digestive diseases, gliomashepatitis C,[36] Huntington’s disease, leukemia, skin tumorsmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Parkinson’s disease, pruritus, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psoriasis, sickle-cell disease, sleep apnea, and anorexia nervosa.[48] Controlled research on treating Tourette syndrome with a synthetic version of THC called (Marinol), showed the patients taking the pill had a beneficial response without serious adverse effects; other studies have shown that cannabis “has no effects on tics and increases the individuals inner tension”.Case reports found that cannabis helped reduce tics, but validation of these results requires longer, controlled studies on larger samples.

A study done by Craig Reinarman surveyed people in California who used cannabis found they did so for many reasons. Reported uses were for pain relief, muscle spasms, headaches, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, depression, cramps, panic attacks, diarrhea, and itching. Others used cannabis to improve sleep, relaxation, appetite, concentration or focus, and energy. Some patients used it to prevent medication side effects, anger, involuntary movements, and seizures, while others used it as a substitute for other prescription medications and alcohol.




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Dallas 420 Enforcement

It’s the “Truth Enforcement Vehicle”, a former police car bought at auction.  DFW NORML replaced the red’n’blue lights with green LEDs and christened it vehicle #420 (of course).

A short history of Hemp

Marijuana has been used as an agent for achieving euphoria since ancient times.
it was described in a Chinese medical compendium traditionally considered to date from 2737 BC
Its use spread from China to India and then to N Africa and reached Europe at least as early as AD 500.

In Asia Marijuana was well known during biblical times and the very name cannabis comes from its cultivation in Cana. Jesus began his public life by miraculously turning water into wine at the Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-10) And Moses was commanded to make the Holy ointment out of this plant, the oils used to annoint David and Jesus and to purify the Church.
“Moreover, the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 23 Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even 250 shekels, and of qaneh-bosm [cannabis] 250 shekels, 24 And of cassia 500 shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin: 25 And thou shalt make it an oil of holy anointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil. 26 And thous shalt anoint the tabernacle of the congregation therewith, and the ark of the testimony, 27 And the table and all his vessels, and the candlestick ahd his vessels, and the altar of incense, 28 And the altar of burnt offerings with all his vessels, and the laver and his foot. 29 And thou shalt sanctify them, that they may be most holy: whatsoever toucheth them shall be holy.
(Exodus 30:22-29)”

“I will take my rest and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs. For afore harvest, when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches.” (Isaiah 18:4-5)

A major crop in colonial North America, marijuana (hemp) was grown as a source of fiber.
It was extensively cultivated during World War II, when Asian sources of hemp were cut off.

Marijuana was listed in the United States Pharmacopeia from 1850 until 1942 and was prescribed for various conditions including labor pains, nausea, and rheumatism. Its use as an intoxicant was also commonplace from the 1850s to the 1930s.

A campaign conducted in the 1930s by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics (now the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs) sought to portray marijuana as a powerful, addicting substance that would lead users into narcotics addiction. This was the result of Alcohol Prohibition being removed and Harry J. Anslinger needing to keep thousands of Police Officers, formerly Treasury Agents busting “Rum Runners” employed.

Anslingers efforts were supported financially by Dupont Chemical to try and drive hemp fiber from the market place and clear the way for their newly developed Nylon synthetic fiber. It is still considered a “gateway” drug by some authorities. In the 1950s it was an accessory of the beat generation. in the 1960s it was used by college students and “hippies” and became a symbol of rebellion against authority.

With the increase in the number of middle-class users in the 1960s and 1970s, there came a somewhat greater acceptance of the view that marijuana should not be considered in the same class as narcotics and that U.S. marijuana laws should be relaxed. The Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 1970 eased federal penalties somewhat, and 11 states decriminalized possession. However, in the late 1980s most states rewrote their drug laws and imposed stricter penalties.

Opponents of easing marijuana laws have asserted that it is an intoxicant less controllable than alcohol, that our drug-using society does not need another widely used intoxicant, and that the United States should not act to weaken UN policies, which are opposed to the use of marijuana for other than possible medical purposes.

The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 classified marijuana along with heroin and LSD as a Schedule I drug,
i.e., having the relatively highest abuse potential and no accepted medical use. Most marijuana at that time came from Mexico, but in 1975 the Mexican government agreed to eradicate the crop by spraying it with the herbicide paraquat, raising fears of toxic side effects.

Colombia then became the main supplier. The “zero tolerance” climate of the Reagan and Bush administrations (1981-93) resulted in passage of strict laws and mandatory sentences for possession of marijuana and in heightened vigilance against smuggling at the southern borders. The “war on drugs” thus brought with it a shift from reliance on imported supplies to domestic cultivation (particularly in Hawaii and California).

Beginning in 1982 the Drug Enforcement Administration turned increased attention to marijuana farms in the United States, and there was a shift to the indoor growing of plants specially developed for small size and high yield. After over a decade of decreasing use, marijuana smoking began an upward trend once more in the early 1990s, especially among teenagers, but by the end of the decade this upswing had leveled off well below former peaks of use


noun a psychotropic drug in the form of a resinous extract or dried preparation, obtained from the hemp plant.

— ORIGIN Latin (used as the botanical name for hemp); from Greek kannabis.


noun (pl. canvases or canvasses) 1 a strong, coarse unbleached cloth used to make sails, tents, etc. 2 a piece of canvas prepared for use as the surface for an oil painting. 3 (the canvas) the floor of a boxing or wrestling ring, having a canvas covering. 4 either of a racing boat’s tapering ends, originally covered with canvas.

verb (canvassed, canvassing; US canvased, canvasing) cover with canvas.

— ORIGIN Old French canevas, from Latin cannabis ‘hemp’.

Marijuana and Man, Mind, Body and Soul

We are hardwired to use Marijuana. Just like Vitamins, Minerals and Oxygen Marijuana is a part of who we are. There are specific receptors in your Brain that use the molecules found in Marijuana. God made us that way, if you believe in God, or we developed this way over millions of years if your an evolutionist. Either way, our brains are adapted to use Pot. In fact research has indicated that Neural Growth is actually dependent on the introduction of tetrahydrocannabinol
Marijuana is a fat soluble substance, so it’s active ingredients are released into any fats used to cook it. Marijuana Tea will contain little to no THC unless some fat or oil like milk is added during the brewing process. Marijuana leaves can be eaten in Salads, dried, crushed and added to any prepared foods and Marijuana Seeds are quite delicious when roasted. There are no known toxic effects to any part of the plant.

You can obtain Omega-3 (essential to normal growth, reduces triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis).[2] Omega-6 and GLA from Hemp. Marijuana as a medicine has been part of the Human pharmacology throughout recorded history,  it was described in a Chinese medical compendium considered to date from 2737 BC, it has been shown to treat or have benefits in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, Brain cancer, Opioid dependence, Spasticity in multiple sclerosis, Glaucoma, Indigestion, Insomnia and many other common afflictions. [3]

Marijuana can be argued to be the most important plant in Christendom, as it is the active ingredient in the Holy Anointing Oil used to anoint those risen Priesthood. It is also to be used to sanctify the Alter and all implements therein. To become the “Christ” Jesus had to be covered in Anointing Oil until it dripped from his garments. Marijuana was used by the Scythians, Sadhus, Rastafari, Hebrews, Muslims, Chinese wu “shamans”, Germanic pagans, Hindus and many other religious sects throughout recorded history. [4][5]

The only seriously harmful effects of using marijuana are those that come from being arrested for using, growing or selling it. The only reasons to keep marijuana Illegal are to create more prisoners to feed a vast prison system and to protect the market share for synthetic fibers.


Marijuana Blog from AlaskaHemp

Jack Herer, the Emperor of Hemp, Dead at 70

Jack Herer, legendary hemp activist and author of the seminal The Emperor Wears No Clothes, has passed away at the age of 70. The sad news that Mr. Herer died Thursday morning in Eugene, Oregon was first reported by

Jack Herer became one of the most influential marijuana and hemp activists in the world through speaking engagements across the country and his 1985 self-published book The Emperor Wears No Clothes – which has now sold over 600,000 copies and made Herer one of the most successful self-published authors of all time. Herer ran for President of the United States twice, was inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame in 2003 and had a highly popular strain of cannabis named in his honor.

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