Black Domina Taskenti x Opd

Strain: Black Domina x OPD
Origin:  Chosen Few Genetics.
Growing Medium: Soil black with the blood and souls of a thousand slain enemies. (I think)
Lighting: LED
Nutrients: See ‘growing medium’
Cultivator: DANK RESEARCHImage may contain: 1 person, beard

Appearance: Dark green with purplish hues. Nice not to tight buds and by no means “fluffy”.
Smell: New mown hay curing in the sun after snorting a couple rails of Black Pepper.
Burn: Gotta keep a flame to it mostly. zero nute flares.
Taste: Dank, this tastes organically grown, suspect a very high Myrcene level, some Pinene just under that along with some notable Linalool but Caryophyllene gives it the peppery hint mostly noticeable in the sinuses after exhaling.

This strain hits hard all on it’s own but eat a Mango before or during and the added Myrcene will top it off very well.

Pain relief: Excellent, as it takes your brain deep down under the pain and lets you ride there for hours, safe from the storms lashing the surface. This is one of those “Don’t operate…machinery, on people, in buzz kill situations etc.” strains the Church Ladies warn you about. INDICA… IN DE COUCH!

But…I’ve been trying to write this review for a fucking week and every time I smoke some I wander off into that indica induced haze and around 4 AM decide I better get to it tomorrow. It takes me down, just not enough to overcome my natural insomnia, I think I’d need to make some hashish out of for that to be a thing.

Exhale: Residual light pepper with a slightly sweet savor.
High: Sort of the wrong word in play here, Sativas and Hybrids get me “high”, this shit gets me STONED.
Manicure: Nicely hand trimmed, no shame here, a connoisseur’s trim and cure.
Overall: Highest recommendation for an Indica.I tend to gravitate toward Sativa dom but then along comes a serious Indica like Black Domina to remind me why I started smoking weed in the first place, it takes you to nice places.Emoji - Smoking Weed Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image ...

Image ©2020 Sensi Seeds

Image ©2020 Alaska Hemp

Image may contain: Cannabis Bud and text that says 'DANK RESEARCH'

Image ©2020 Dank Research

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