Mango is a pure Indica strain with more than thirty years of history to it. It was cross bred in 1991 with other Indica strains. The plant in itself will not grow very tall but the flowering stage is quite long for an Indica plant. Mango will produce a very significant yield but requires a bit more maintenance than other strains. In essence the plant can be very delicate in terms of drastic climate changes and spike in humidity. The biggest problem that Mango growers have with the strain is that it bushes out quite rapidly. You will need to trim it and educate it early on if you don’t want to have gargantuan bushes in your outdoor setup.
Most patients agree that this plant helps with; Chronic Pain, Muscle Disorders, Migraines, Insomnia, Lack of Appetite and more with slight side effects of Red Eyed and Dry Mouth. Marijuana Doctors 411 recommends drinking liquids when ingesting this strain.
Patients can expect to feel a deep body sensation that will last for a couple of hours. Mango buds are quite hefty and at times can grow to be 18 inches long, but due to the sturdiness of the strain, you won’t have to worry too much about the weight. This plant is definitely for intermediate to professional growers and is not recommended for novice gardeners.
If you would like to find out more information about Cloning techniques, Growing tips, how to cure your marijuana and more, please feel free to check out our Weedpedia section. If you cannot find the information you are looking for you can get in touch with Marijuana Doctors 411’s staff and we’ll be more than happy to assist you however we can.