To provide Alaskans with the space to openly discuss legislation and policies that will affect our future.To provide space for educators and business people to share and promote their research, ideas and products that will help create a healthier environment as well as boost our economy
ACC Medical
We now have a great long time local doctor on staff and 3 very dedicated workers to make sure the clinic is available to those in need.
Got Weed? Want Weed? Get Weed!
I have had dreams about this coming to pass, I call up the Pizza joint and order a Hawaiian with Feta, call up the weed Joint and order a few Joints and kick back for a night of seriously chronic couch surfing while under the influence of Pizza and Pot.
While I suspect there might some aspects of the law being violated I non the less wish Rocky well in his efforts to make my dreams a reality. (and I suspect a few of his dreams as well.) In case you didn’t know you can Dial-A-Dope today and bake tonight. well, actually it’s more Digital Dope as they are not taking calls, but you can purchase a bag of weed, anything from a Gram to an Ounce, by visiting their website and placing your order.
There are a few little glitches here and there, for one you can’t actually SEE the weed your buying, at least not until it reaches your door, but by then you have already sent your PayPal payment so your taking your chances on the meager descriptions being provided, and the “Green goddess” that reports a “potentant head high” has me wondering.
Potentate (from the Latin potens, ‘powerful’) is a term for a person with potent, sometimes supreme, power.
OK, so perhaps they meant Potent, but wouldn’t a bud that gave the toker potent, supreme power be awesome? Almost worth risking $55.00 plus $10.00 delivery to score an 1/8th and find out.
A one gram Joint for $20 seems a bit steep, add the $10 delivery and your up to $30, another $10 and you can score a 1/8th oz almost anywhere around the Valley or Anchoragua.
A full Oz of Green Goddess for $320.00 is a reasonable deal even with the $10 delivery fee but again I can get $260.00 Ozs just about any day and delivery is free. I think Rocky needs to remember there is still a thriving Black Market populated with lots of talented growers eager to move their product to market.
Discreet Deliveries says they are just that, a delivery service, that is utilized by the “Discreet Beliefs Church“, which has the following “sales pitch”:
“We are building a Church for our Congregation, one STONE at a time! Each time a congregation member supports our Church, with a purchase of an “Stone”(empty bag with our personalized label and information) on our shopping cart, we will give away a matching amount of cannabis to that congregation member. Discreet Deliveries, an Alaskan courier service, (AK 1016143), will deliver your mechanically sealed stone to your door.”
Now, I’m not a Lawyer, but I sense some effort to circumvent the law there even if they have filed the proper paperwork with the State of Alaska to be an actual Church, which I see no indication of, and I suspect that should they desire to do so the long arm of the law could stick the short arm of the law where the Sun don’t shine and close down both the Church and their delivery service. I hope it don’t happen though.
There are some other issues, like hosting with SloDaddy and not supporting any number of local Alaskan website Designers and Hosting providers (like Webmusher Design, Alaska Hemp’s host and webmaster for over 10 years!) and there not being a single review that I could find, and the “Church” is “CLOSED Sunday” and Google search will bring up a LOT of dead pages and shoddy webdesign like this it is nice to see a vision of things hopefully to come once the regulations get ironed out.
I sent Rocky a link hoping he would offer some comments, he did, then when he found out I wrote this he offered a few more comments then banned me on facebook so I could not respond. So I’ll respond here.
Rocky Burns
I don’t sell green crack or anything from California. Why would you bring up GoDaddy?
Well, because your shopping cart is “powered by GoDaddy”.
Rocky Burns
Yeah you start picking on some pretty weak stuff, thats smashing. I have tried really hard to stay 100% Alaskan, and it took some low ball shit like that to smear me Bill. Why not focus on my competitors? I have ACTUAL PROOF they all are buying from California, yet I have refused over and over, even though I can get lbs for $800. I could lower my prices thenBill/Stoney: What competitors? I don’t see anyone else offering home deliver of weed. -
Rocky Burns
But our ALASKAN weed strains are awesome, and we have plenty of people who buy every day. I have over 100 card carrying members to that Church you say isn’t a Church by a circumvention
You didn’t even look up definitions I guess Bill. Even Websters says “Hockey is a Religion in Canada” You should learn about a basic premise called Separation of Church and State. If fact I would love to debate you live on any of these subjects if you question my “legality”Bill/Stoney: Ok, so you heard about this “separation of Church and State” thing and decided that will cover your possibly illegal activities.
Then I can assume that you have filed the proper certificates with the state affirming your religious status? Can I see a copy?AS 10.40.020. Execution of Articles of Incorporation.
An archbishop, bishop, president, trustee in trust, president of stake, president of congregation, overseer, presiding elder, or clergyman, of a church or religious society, who has been chosen, elected or appointed, in conformity with the constitution, canons, rites, regulations, or discipline of the church or religious society, and in whom is vested the legal title to the property of the church or religious society, may execute written articles of incorporation in triplicate, acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments.
AS 10.40.030. Filing and Recording of Articles of Incorporation.
One copy of the articles shall be filed with the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development; one copy shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the superior court in the judicial district in which the principal place of business of the corporation is to be located; and one copy shall be retained by the corporation. Each copy filed shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose.
AS 10.40.040. Contents of Articles of Incorporation.
The articles of incorporation must specify
- (1) the name of the corporation;
- (2) the purpose of the corporation;
- (3) the estimated value of its property at the time of executing the articles of incorporation;
- (4) the title of the person executing the articles; and
- (5) the name and address of the person upon whom process may be served.
Denali Smoke
Mission Statement
Denali Smoke is an effort to chronicle and comment on the development of regulations governing the recent legalization of marijuana in Alaska. Already, less than three weeks after the people of Alaska voted to legalize marijuana, various factions have started trying to limit Alaskans’ newly won freedoms.
The University of Alaska has announced students will not be allowed to possess marijuana on campus. State legislators have announced bills that would further limit Alaskans’ right to possess marijuana in public. The U.S. Coast Guard has stated that marijuana is still illegal on Alaska’s waterways and will be confiscated and the owners may be prosecuted when they find it. The Alaska State Troopers are still writing citations and confiscating any marijuana they find. Three members of the Anchorage Assembly have introduced an ordinance seeking to outlaw commercial sale and distribution in our state’s largest city.
Opponents of Alaska’s attempt to regulate marijuana like alcohol are not giving up nor backing down, instead they have gone on the offensive. Alaskans, those who use marijuana and those who believe in individual liberty want to see the law implemented the way it was written will need to stay informed and involved as the regulations are developed and implemented. Denali Smoke is an effort to help that happen.
No newspaper or blog ever written has been unbiased and so this one will not be either. Every journalist has an agenda, to expect otherwise is an exercise in naivety. In the case of Denali Smoke, the agenda is to shed light on the implementation of Alaska’s new marijuana law as honestly as we can while guarding our rights as an Alaskan.
Be sure and check out the Resources page!
Marijuana Madness 2015 style
Some time back I was woken up by a much too early telephone call from some irate person demanding that I take immediate action and remove someones posts from a website he thought I was hosting for them. He didn’t know it was my website, but he quickly found out much more than he wanted to know about me as I found out a great deal about him and his past. After numerous calls in which he impersonated a Police Officer, made threats on my life and generally made it quite evident just what sort of person he was I made sure our last conversation was three way affair between me, him and the Alaska State Troopers dispatch, which is always recorded. He is still running his get rich quick “Medical Clinic” in Anchorage in spite of my efforts to convince him he should pack his carpet bag and leave, just as others in Montana, California other places had invited him to do. I’m sure he made millions off fleecing Alaskans for $35.00 state Medical Marijuana Cards, of course his $350.00 price included a little for the Dr and office rent and his lawyer which he pulled like a fancy chrome six shooter every time he felt threatened.
Mike Smith was and is a black eye on marijuana legalization in Alaska (and anywhere else he has been according to the tales from those left in his slimy wake) and should be shunned by anyone serious about putting the best face on marijuana possible. If you have been a marijuana user for any time at all you know that there is a culture, a vibe, a spirit in the sharing of the Herb. Don’t bogart, puff, puss pass, a friend with weed, be a righteous dealer and don’t sell bunk, it’s a Rastaman vibration, one love and Jah and hippies and love beads, not lawyers and big business and bad people doing bad things.
This last year Alaska voted to legalize marijuana and one Anchorage reporter said “Fuck it, I quit” on live TV News and went viral, she might well have swayed the election by bringing much needed attention to the issue. at the time I applauded her actions, but then as I thought about it and got the whole story (I’m a little slow due to not watching TV, took me a while to catch up) I saw that her future as a journalist was finished, she had made an ethical breach that would forever taint any reporting she might do. What ever he reasons the end does not always justify the means. Ethics, a code of right and wrong, are not something you surrender for a cause, you either are ethical or you are not, sort of like being pregnant.
Ms. Greene is still at the center of a media maelstrom as she tries to get her marijuana members only club up and running, and it seems as if she is still going about it the wrong way, a way that seems to be unethical. Renting a storefront that she knows is zoned for commercial use only and then trying to create a loophole making it a residence, violating city code and the trust of her landlord and then taking an adversarial stand and playing the poor little me bit like she was the victim when she was the one doing the bad things.
Alaska stoners and those that want to see medical and commercial marijuana succeed need to make a choice about who is representative of the best and brightest and tell those that are just giving the effort a black eye to get a clue, we need more Willie Nelson and Montel Williams and less Mike Smith and Charlo Greene defining the Alaska Marijuana Movement.
Why You Will Soon Be Building Your Home With Hempcrete
As state after state slowly moves towards marijuana legalization, it seems like everyone is trying to cash in on the pot-farming boom. But legalization opens the door to a world of innovation and entrepreneurship that’s a lot wider than new, inventive ways to get high, like weed sodas. In “green rush” states like Colorado, farmers are taking advantage of the new legal environment to sow fields of hemp, marijuana’s THC-deficient cousin. Because of its relationship to cannabis, hemp has been illegal in America for over 60 years, despite a consistent chorus of supporters who have touted its use as a natural fiber and food supplement in Canada and Europe. Compared to the economic potential of legalized marijuana, that of pot’s fibrous cousin seems like small potatoes. Yet one use of the plant could revolutionize construction in the U.S., creating a new, lucrative industry for growers: Hempcrete.
Read more at:
How I choose my clone moms from seed
When I get a new pack of seeds that I can’t wait to grow what is the first thing I do? I germinate all of them…yes…not 2 or 5 or 8 I germinate all 10…by week 3-4 it will be down to one or 2 females if I’m looking for only females…if I wanna make seeds to save for later I’ll keep a male or two also. Why do you ask would I wanna crack all 10 ? well its a lottery…in that 10 pack there could be one gem if you are lucky, you could find that plant that was in the picture that drew you to that particular strain in the first place or you could not find it, you could find a bunch of average joe plants. But if you only crack a few you lessen your chances of finding a true gem, by gem I mean the plant you will clone and keep in your garden and show off to your friends on average the “gem” is about one in one hundred seeds so about 10 -10 packs.
Now back to germinating…those first 2 weeks are gonna tell you a lot about your new strain, is it vigorous? Is it healthy? Is it stretching or is it staying short and squat? These are the key characteristics in initial selecting. What are the breeders characteristic notes on that particular strain? The plant they are selling you is short, tall, slow or fast…now take the information the breeder has given you and apply that to your new seedlings.. for example you bought an Afghani Indica x Thai….in the pictures you see a medium plant with large colas indicating it has taken characteristics from both parents. Look at the leaf sets how many blades, are they skinny leaves are they fat leaves? Apply that to your new seedlings. Now you notice your seedlings have 3 different leaf patterns. That is showing you the traits from parents and also traits form the hybrid. The skinny leaves will be the Thai dominant the fat bladed leaves will of course be Afghani and the in between will be your hybrid. Now you can see the difference in the gene pool in growth an outward appearance. Now to find out the inside…when the plant gets to about the 4th or 5th leaf sets its time to do a stem rub…the smell…you are looking for that smell that strain is known for. In this particular demonstration you are looking for an Afghani dominant plant since you plan on growing it indoors you want to keep it shorter and more compact so you will smell and look for that earthy citrusy smell Afghani is known for.
Out of 10 seeds say you got 2 with skinny leaves, 4 with medium leaves and 4 with fat leaves. If you want now you can kill off the others if you don’t have space or room to grow them out or you can grow em out and see. But for our story here you wanted the Afgani dominant line of this strain the same as pictured on the seed distributors webpage you bought them from. So you kill off 6, keep 4 and grow them till you reach sex then sex them, keeping your females. Once you grow out the few females with the proper genetics you are looking for you can choose between those for your best clone mom. But this way you can save a lot of dirt and time selecting the pant you are actually going for. This can be applied every time you buy and grow seeds. You look for that cookie plant in the blueberry GSC cross, you know the cookies stretches and longer internodes so you can select that way, it saves me from growing out undesirables and saving on dirt and nutrients and since I’m breeding anyway I need an effective way to cull the herd. So when I grow out an OG seed I know its the OG dom when I get to the stem rub, other strains it can be the stretch or shortness tighter internode spacing even before stem rub. So internode spacing , leaf sets or blades and stem rub. There you go 3 ways to tell if you got the strain you bought and how to find the desired phenotype. Some of the best strains today were found in a handful of beans, imagine if there was 100 of those beans…those elite clones might not even be the “gem” in the bunch had they been able to be selected from a larger gene pool.
Anddes420 can be found at
Obama calls off the dogs on Indian lands
Obama is clearing the way for American Indians to have the freedom to grow and sell marijuana on reservation lands. without fear of Federal prosecution.
I am wondering if this liberal attitude will be extended to Alaska Native Corporations?
“…the Justice Department will generally not attempt to enforce federal marijuana laws on federally recognized tribes that choose to allow it, as long as they meet eight federal guidelines, including that marijuana not be sold to minors and not be transported to areas that prohibit it.”