Northern Lights Special
STRAIN: Northern Lights Special TYPE: mostly an indica ORIGIN: KC Brains MEDIUM: Hydro NUTES: CLASSIFIED GROWER: NLCC - Northern Lights Cannabis Company APPEARANCE: Sparkly and tight SMELL: A little skunk on the break BURN: Quite nice white ash finish TASTE: Nothing unexpected from NL, sweet EXHALE: smooth and hard to capture because I keep coughing HIGH: Immediate interest, no creeper bullshit here, kind of like a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
MANICURE: Outstanding, as pro as they go. OVERALL: Northern Lights Special is indeed a special treat, the buds are hard, tight and beautiful. Great high, It took me several days to get this review done because I kept trying this stu8ff and then I'd wander off and do something else. Finally I sat down, rolled a joint and 12 hours and 10 minutes later here we are, a finished review, now if I could just remember how to post it.8/10
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