Americans Decry War on Drugs, Support Legalizing Marijuana
Less than one-in-ten respondents would legalize other drugs, such as heroin, crack or “crystal meth”.
Two-thirds of adults in the United States believe the “War on Drugs” has been futile, and a majority continue to call for the legalization of marijuana in the country, a new Angus Reid Public Opinion poll has found.
In the online survey of a representative sample of 1,017 American adults, 68 per cent of respondents believe that America has a serious drug abuse problem and it affects the whole country.
One-in-five Americans (20%) think the country’s drug abuse problem is confined to specific areas and people, and five per cent say America does not have a serious drug abuse problem.
Only 10 per cent of respondents believe that the “War on Drugs”—a term that has been used to describe the efforts of the U.S. government to reduce the illegal drug trade—has been a success, while 66 per cent deem it a failure. Majorities of Democrats (63%), Republicans (63%) and Independents (69%) agree with the notion that the “War on Drugs” has not been fruitful.
Across the country, 52 per cent of Americans support the legalization of marijuana, while 44 per cent oppose it. Majorities of men (60%), Independents (57%) and Democrats (54%) would like to see marijuana legalized. Women (45%), respondents over the age of 55 (48%) and Republicans (43%) are not as supportive of legalization.
In four nationwide surveys conducted by Angus Reid Public Opinion on the topic of marijuana legalization since 2009, support has always surpassed the 50 per cent mark in the United States, and opposition has not reached 45 per cent.
As has been the case in previous surveys, the enthusiasm for legalizing other drugs in the United States remains low. Only 10 per cent of respondents would consent to making ecstasy readily available, and less than one-in-ten would legalize powder cocaine (9%), heroin (8%), crack cocaine (8%) and methamphetamine or “crystal meth” (7%).
The DEA’s marijuana mistake
The DEA and the National Institute for Drug Abuse block serious research on medical uses of marijuana, creating a ridiculous circle of denials.
A pro-marijuana group lost its legal battle this week when a federal appellate court ruled that marijuana would remain a Schedule I drug, defined as having no accepted medical value and a high potential for abuse. (Alan Berner / Seattle Times / MCT / January 24, 2013)
For a muscular agency that combats vicious drug criminals, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration acts like a terrified and obstinate toddler when it comes to basic science. For years, the DEA and the National Institute forDrug Abuse have made it all but impossible to develop a robust body of research on the medical uses of marijuana.
A pro-marijuana group lost its legal battle this week when a federal appellate court ruled that marijuana would remain a Schedule I drug, defined as having no accepted medical value and a high potential for abuse. The court deferred to the judgment of federal authorities, quoting the DEA’s statement that “the effectiveness of a drug must be established in well-controlled, well-designed, well-conducted and well-documented scientific studies…. To date, such studies have not been performed. Read the full story>> Latimes

Mango is a pure Indica strain with more than thirty years of history to it. It was cross bred in 1991 with other Indica strains. The plant in itself will not grow very tall but the flowering stage is quite long for an Indica plant. Mango will produce a very significant yield but requires a bit more maintenance than other strains. In essence the plant can be very delicate in terms of drastic climate changes and spike in humidity. The biggest problem that Mango growers have with the strain is that it bushes out quite rapidly. You will need to trim it and educate it early on if you don’t want to have gargantuan bushes in your outdoor setup.
Most patients agree that this plant helps with; Chronic Pain, Muscle Disorders, Migraines, Insomnia, Lack of Appetite and more with slight side effects of Red Eyed and Dry Mouth. Marijuana Doctors 411 recommends drinking liquids when ingesting this strain.
Patients can expect to feel a deep body sensation that will last for a couple of hours. Mango buds are quite hefty and at times can grow to be 18 inches long, but due to the sturdiness of the strain, you won’t have to worry too much about the weight. This plant is definitely for intermediate to professional growers and is not recommended for novice gardeners.
If you would like to find out more information about Cloning techniques, Growing tips, how to cure your marijuana and more, please feel free to check out our Weedpedia section. If you cannot find the information you are looking for you can get in touch with Marijuana Doctors 411’s staff and we’ll be more than happy to assist you however we can.
Weed Use May Help Brain Functionality
The Fountain of Youth: a tale surrounding the dream of everlasting life. Though it is just a myth today, many people today might just be able to see the end of death by way of age. After all, aging is just a condition we all inherit from the moment of conception, one which may someday soon might be controlled and reversed.
As we get older, our bodies have a harder time rebuilding themselves while at the same time normal bodily functions help facilitate the breakdown of cells. Naturally, our breakdown processes start to outpace the rebuilding processes the longer we live, so we begin falling apart.
What if there was a way to hinder those breakdown processes? Well today, there is evidence that marijuana could play a vital role in preserving cognitive function for future generations.
Cooking Marijuana & Hash: Part 1
Ingestion of Medical Marijuana and Hash
Ingesting marijuana and hash, aka eating it, brings very different affects compared to smoking. Veteran smokers are often floored by a standard strength edible. Why is this? What about tolerance? Why do high tolerance smokers get so high from standard edibles?
The simple answer is that smoking Cannabis creates delta-9-THC, and eating it makes 11-hydroxy-THC, which is 10x more psychoactive than delta-9-THC.
When you smoke marijuana or hash the delta-9-THC goes into your blood, and then straight to your brain, where THC binds to receptors in your brain. This is why we feel high immediately after smoking.
Edibles are different. When you eat an edible it goes into your stomach, where it gets digested and enters your GI tract. The delta-9-THC in the edible enters your blood stream after about 30 minutes. Once the delta-9-THC enters your blood stream from your GI tract it goes to your liver. Your liver does something amazing. It converts delta-9-THC into 11-hydroxy-THC, which is TEN TIMES MORE PSYCHOACTIVE. This 11-hydroxy-THC then goes to our brains and binds to our cannabinoid receptors. Then seasoned smokers feel like we are almost tripping on Cannabis edibles.
The affects of edibles take longer to come on due to how it enters our blood and moves to our brains. These affects also last longer, and can be more powerful due to 11-hydroxy-THC. The contents of your stomach, body size, metabolism, and other biochemical factors will make the affects of edibles slightly different for everyone.
The Hash Plant originally came from Holland but made its way to the US in the 80’s. The super breed of Indica allowed the plant to have a phenomenal flowering cycle coming in at roughly 40-45 days. Due to the Indica phenotype one can expect a short stocky plant with thick resin rich buds. The Hash Plant doesn’t contain the word Hash in it for no reason. Many people use this plant to make some of the finest hash in the world. It also opens up the possibility of making essential hemp oils which is used to cure cancer and other chronic illnesses.
Most of the time this plant is grown indoors, but if you live in an area that is dry and more like the Mediterranean, outdoors will provide you with an exceptional yield.
Patients agree that this strain is exceptionally helpful with the following conditions; Cancer treatment, Insomnia, Muscle Pain, Chronic Pain and lack of appetite. Some of the significant side effects are red eyes and dry mouth of which Marijuana Doctors 411 recommends drinking lots of liquids. Also we recommend that this strain be used at night times as it promotes rest within most patients. It is exceptional in terms of insomnia.
Another thing to comment about Hash Plant is its exceptional ability to be cloned, mark this with a short flowering cycle you can have a consistent flow of cannabis with this plant.
It’s True: Medical Cannabis Provides Dramatic Relief for Sufferers of Chronic Ailments
In 2009, Zach Klein, a graduate of Tel Aviv University’s Department of Film and Television Studies, directed the documentary Prescribed Grass.Through the process, he developed an interest in the scientific research behind medical marijuana, and now, as a specialist in policy-making surrounding medical cannabis and an MA student at TAU’s Porter School of Environmental Studies, he is conducting his own research into the benefits of medical cannabis. Using marijuana from a farm called Tikkun Olam — a reference to the Jewish concept of healing the world — Klein and his fellow researchers tested the impact of the treatment on 19 residents of the Hadarim nursing home in Israel. The results, Klein says, have been outstanding. Not only did participants experience dramatic physical results, including healthy weight gain and the reduction of pain and tremors, but Hadarim staff saw an immediate improvement in the participants’ moods and communication skills. The use of chronic medications was also significantly reduced, he reports.
Full story at Scienceblog<<<<<<
The United States of Amerijuana Recent bills introduced in Texas, Hawaii, Oklahoma, others prove the entire nation is legalization-oriented by Rick Thompson
The United States of Amerijuana
2013 has already seen a flood of cannabis-friendly legislation introduced in the legislatures of numerous states. At least seventeen states have introduced pro-marijuana bills or have stated their intent to do so. Legalization, medical marijuana, decriminalization-even industrial hemp- have all been introduced despite the Obama administration’s lack of a clear response to 2012’s full legalization votes in Washington and Colorado.
Hawaii Speaker of the House Joseph Souki introduced HB 150 on January 17. The Bill allows for individual cultivation and licensing of dispensaries, commercial grows, cannabis manufacturing facilities and testing companies. The Marijuana Policy Project is devoting resources toward passage of this Bill; spokesperson Mason Tvert said HB 150 “will generate significant revenue for Hawaii.”A poll, released earlier this January, showed support for a tax and regulate legalization system at 57%. The poll also revealed incredible support for the current medical marijuana law, passed in 2000 (81% support); for dispensaries (78% support); and for decriminalization (58%). The Drug Policy Action Group sponsored the poll, which was revealed in a press conference with the ACLU of Hawaii. An economic impact study conducted by an economist at the University of Hawaii revealed more than $20 million in potential new revenues and cost savings annually; the report noted that since 2004, marijuana possession arrests are up almost 50% and distribution arrests have nearly doubled.
Marijuana Legalization Would Promote Drug Use, DEA Contends
Posted: 01/23/2013 1:25 pm EST
WASHINGTON — Recent state efforts to legalize marijuana pose a challenge for the Drug Enforcement Administration because they would increase marijuana’s availability and promote drug use, the DEA said in a filing released Wednesday.
“Recently, efforts to legalize marijuana have increased. Keeping marijuana illegal reduces its availability and lessens willingness to use it,” the DEA said in a financial statement for fiscal year 2012 made public on Wednesday. “Legalizing marijuana would increase accessibility and encourage promotion and acceptance of drug use.”
Overkill in the war on pot
January 22, 2013
As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama emphatically stated that medical marijuana use was an issue best left to the states. One of the first promises he made as the newly elected president was that he was “not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws.” This was even reiterated formally in the so-called Ogden memo of 2009, in which the Department of Justice instructed U.S. attorneys that federal enforcement should apply only to medical marijuana operations that were not in clear compliance with state law.
Obama has since “clarified” those promises, but it still makes no sense that Matthew R. Davies, a business school graduate who set out in 2009 to create a medical marijuana dispensary that would be in full compliance with California law, is facing up to 15 years in prison — with a mandatory five-year sentence.
This is just one more puzzling incident in the history of a president who not only made these promises but has also admitted to heavy recreational use of marijuana himself in his youth. As a second-term president, with little to lose, why is he continuing his odd campaign on a state-approved industry that employs people, pays taxes and distributes a safe and clinically useful product?