Strain review: Shishkalicious
Strain: Cannabis
Type: Sativa dom I think
Origin: Rescued
Medium: Potting soil
Lights: Alaska Sunlight then 400w HPS for bud.
Nutes: Water and Neem Oil, minimal general veg food.
Grower: Stoney Burke
Appearance: Like a small grove of bamboo
Smell: Amazing citrus smell on the vine, keeps a little citrus/skunk after curing
Burn: Fast and clean
Taste: Like hitting a bowl of tropical fruit!
Exhale: Please try and remember to do so
High: Smackdamnalicious
Manicure: I picked a few leaves off.
Overall: I would love to see what a real cultivator does with this quite excellent strain, but not being a huge producer it is not likely I’ll be seeing it in any serious quantity.
- Shishkalicious
- Shishkalicious
- Shishkalicious
- Shishkalicious
- Shishkalicious
- Shishkalicious
- Shishkalicious
- Shishkalicious
- Shishkalicious
- Shishkalicious
- Shishkalicious
Pipe Dreams, Alaska Cannabis Clubs go down in flames
OK, don’t worry, your favorite smoking den has not burned down, that’s just one of those editorial license type headlines to grab ya by the balls and get you to read the rest of the crappy article. It’s like movie previews, that WAS the good part.
Marijuana has always been a social drug, er…medicine, I meant Medicine…no, fuck being politically correct, it’s a drug, it’s a fun drug and while it does indeed have some medical qualities it is basically a fun substance to use and it’s even more fun when you have a bunch of friends to share it with.
Beer and whiskey drinkers understand this, that’s why there are more bars than churches in most Alaskan towns. Getting blotto is more fun with friends, as long as your not the designated driver. Getting blazed is more fun with friends as well.
I was in a small bar in Amsterdam, Holland in 1978 and I asked the hippie looking fellow beside me if he knew where I might find some hashish. He had me give him some money, moved around the bar a little and came back with a bit of Black Afghani looking hashish. “You’ll need to ask the bartender if you want to smoke it in here, and if you do you’ll have to share…” Well, there were several of us ugly Americans wanting to share in this small bounty so we headed down to the beach and none of us were able to remember much after that. But the thing I was trying to relate is that all of the people in that bar in 1978 were there because they liked to hang out and get stoned.

Northern Heights Hookah Lounge, Wasilla
Humans like to gather in groups and get mellow.
The powers that be seem to be afraid of us being able to gather together. The Alaska Marijuana Control Board has determined that unlike treating Cannabis like alcohol and giving cannabis users a place where they can gather together and share their herb and tall tales just as they do with alcohol consumers we must remain closeted as it were, confined to our homes and forbidden from enjoying the same rights and privileges as other adults
With several Cannabis centric or cannabis friendly establishments having already opened, and closed, and opened, and closed…it is obvious that the MCB, led by the ACB I have a gut feeling, is not going to be friendly to places that want to allow the gathering together of like minded “Pot Heads” least they actually organize and manage to get something accomplished.
Sara Williams, the head of the MatSu Marijuana Advisory Board sat down with us for an interview.
Alaska Hemp: What is your understanding of the current State Marijuana Boards position concerning Cannabis Clubs?
Sara: After following the process from the beginning and spending many more hours than I ever thought I would in a room with them, I have to say that the Board has a different view than the Director. The Board, as a whole, is not opposed to them but they believe it is the place of the legislature to create a license authorizing the existence of clubs. The Chair stated in the last meeting that after the first round of regulations are adopted in November that he would like to turn the Board’s efforts towards drafting language to send to the legislature to guide them towards what social clubs might look like in a regulated environment.
Alaska Hemp: It would seem to me that we already have a fairly good touchstone for what Cannabis Clubs might look like, I’d think they would look a lot like bars minus the fights and country music. Do you think we will actually be seeing any Cannabis Friendly social clubs opening legally in 2016?
Sara: I am hopeful. I’ve been in touch with a few legislators that have shown their support for creating an additional license. They came close last legislative session but it failed in the Senate on a tie vote. With the great example places like Pot Luck Events have shown when demonstrating that Cannabis Clubs are not places of illegal crime or places where violence is found, it does help show the legislators that such a place is needed and will not be the “perceived” threat to the communities. So I remain hopeful but we must stay diligent in the advocacy for them.
Alaska Hemp: The MCB was created to draft the regulations for cannabis use, why would they feel the need to send it back to the legislature?
Sara: The Director stated that her understanding of the MCB is to implement the guidelines of AS 17.38 or Ballot Measure 2 and in those guidelines it listed only 4 license types, retail, cultivation, production and testing. She did not direct the regulations drafter to consider Cannabis Clubs as a retail license as she believed it was a separate category. Also the MCB is not given the statutory authority to create licenses only to regulate. They believe that Cannabis Clubs are different “animals” than the other 4 licenses.
Alaska Hemp: So what should the average couch locked online advocate do to try and help get Cannabis Clubs spread around like Beer Joints and Legion Halls? Where should the great mass of slightly off center stoners focus their collective angst?
Sara: I would say utilize the process. Submit public comment through the online public comment page. But at this point in the game make sure they smoke a good Sativa strain to come forth in public comment with solid suggestions for wording on how the regulations should read and not expressing dissent on it. The MCB is closing in on the finish line and any changes that are made now must come with prewritten language as they don’t have the time to debate or write new wording. Also the Director stated that any public comment submitted now will also be taken into account when it is forwarded on to the legislature for review.
Alaska Hemp: Comments on each set of proposed regulations may be submitted during the date range assigned to that set by submitting the comment in writing to John Calder at Written comments may also be mailed to John Calder at 550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1600, Anchorage, AK 99517 or dropped off in person at the same address during business hours. Written comments may also be submitted through the Alaska Online Public Notice System by accessing the public notice of proposed regulations and clicking on the “Leave a Comment” link.
Sara: What it all boils down to is don’t give up fighting for this. It’s not going to be the perfectly rolled joint when it comes off the starting line but it will still smoke out just fine. Advocacy for what this industry is going to look like doesn’t end with the November 20th MCB meeting it will be an ongoing fight to mold it into the industry we know it can be.
Alaska Hemp: I quite agree, and while we must keep focused from a legal aspect on those that would oppose us we must also stay focused spiritually on what we know this plant does for us, our friends and what it can and will do for the World if we only allow it to flourish. Thank you for your time.
Joshua Tyson Bird runs Green Rush Events, a venue offering the “Kenai Peninsula fun, safe, cannabis related events”.
Alaska Hemp: Hi Joshua, thanks for taking the time to talk with us. Can you tell us a little about Green Rush Events?
Joshua: It is the Kenai Peninsula’s first and only Cannabis friendly club and lounge. Much like Pot Luck Events in Anchorage and Northern Heights in Wasilla, however we are the only club that does not charge a membership fee to become a member of our private legal club.
Alaska Hemp: How has the Marijuana Control Boards regulations effected your business model, if at all?
Joshua: Currently it really has not affected our business, mainly because people really don’t pay to much attention to the meetings or the proposed regulations, and the ones that do have actually started coming in and bringing new members to sign up for membership to help support our cause. So I guess you can say it has actually boosted business a bit…
Alaska Hemp: Will you be seeking a license for a cannabis use establishment when they do start offering them?
Joshua: I plan to adhere to all regulations and restrictions proposed by our state and local authorities for the benefits that our medicinal and recreational consumers and members of our club benefit from.
Alaska Hemp: Have you seen any interest from the tourist sector for a place they can come to perhaps sample some Alaskan weed?
Joshua: A lot of tourists have came in and continue to do so to consume legally in our great state because it is prohibited to do so anywhere else in our communities, camp grounds, hotels, and parks, and they don’t have a real hard time finding someone out there to provide them with cannabis, they just have a hard time finding a legal place to consume and they thank me for providing this safe legal alternative.
Alaska Hemp: Thank you, we look forward to visiting with you sometime when we make it down there and I’ll make sure to bring along something sticky from the MatSu. Is there anything you would like to add before we break for a commercial message?
Joshua: We will be providing a free event on Oct the 9th called A Joint Revolution, we will be having a joint rolling contest and a few other activities to help promote the people’s voice through education, sign making, setting up protests and getting petitions and signatures to help us all fight for our rights and liberties that need to be addressed with our emerging cannabis industry, we are also working with Pot Luck Events for this event and I hope everyone is able to make it to help support such a great cause!
You can find Green Rush Events on Facebook at
I tend to consider myself to be a sort of neo-pagan. From a religious standpoint I’m a little left of mainstream Christianity like Jerry Garcia was a little left of Dick Nixon. Part of my paganistic religious dogma is the belief that I am a part of a greater whole, that the entire Earth is a single great organism and I’m just a cell within that structure. I want to be a cell that is helping the great Earth mother to thrive, not a cancer cell spreading death and destruction. Cannabis is a cancer inhibitor, both inwardly and outwardly. Cannabis bonds me spiritually with the World around me and the World within me.
A pipe never belongs to you – it belongs to Spirit and so you need to remember that and offer it to Spirit asking that you can walk with the pipe and do good.”
Nicholas Breeze Wood
I will remain comforted in the protection of my religious beliefs which include consumption of cannabis, chocolate and coffee.
When tourists start asking about where they can go to smoke a little legendary Alaskan Grass I’m hopeful that the legislature as well as Alaska’s tourist industry are prepared to give them the answers they are hoping for. A listing of select MCB approved establishments offering the finest in Alaskan Grown Cannabis for consumption on the premises. How about a Vista Domed CannaCar making the Denali turnaround on the Alaska Rail Road? Railroads are well known to have accommodated “Smoking Cars” in bygone days.
If I were to open a CannaCamper Park and allow open cannabis use within the property would the State determine that to be a “Cannabis Club” and require the attending licensing? I have every confidence that those opposed to legalization will use every opportunity to tax or regulate what could be a wonderful thing for all Alaskans into a prolonged legal nightmare costing the State and communities millions in legal fees hashing it all out.
Grandfathered Ganja
I’m thinking that the Alaska Hemp and Matanuska Thunderfuck merchandise that I’ve been selling for years would be considered “grandfathered” in as I have been promoting the brand name in this manner for many, many years.
“The board held a lengthy discussion on selling versus giving away branded merchandise like hooded sweatshirts, pens, calendars, or other popular gear.
Selling branded merchandise is legal, but giving it away for free is not, though the board plans to clarify language in a later draft to make those points clear.
“A marijuana retail store may not use giveaway coupons, or distribute branded merchandise as promotional materials, or conduct promotional activities such as games or competitions to encourage sale of marijuana or marijuana products,” the draft language reads.”
Read the full article at:
Security service for pot businesses latest to enter state market –

Photo/DJ Summers/AJOC
Read the full article at:
Smoke and mirrors…let’s be clear here…
Commenting on Proposed Government Regulations
Regulations affect nearly everyone. This guide is designed to outline the process and ensure YOUR voice is heard when new regulations are being written.
(I tell you where and how at the end of the article if you just want to get there without reading all this stuff)
Marijuana Control Board
Function: The board shall control the cultivation, manufacture, and sale of marijuana in the state. The board is vested with the powers and duties necessary to enforce this chapter.
Marijuana Regulations Draft Set 3 –
Draft Regulations
When submitting public comment for Draft Set 3, please include the phrase “Comments on Draft Set 3” in the subject line of your e-mail or letter.
Comments on each set of proposed regulations may be submitted during the date range assigned to that set by submitting the comment in writing to John Calder at
Written comments may also be mailed to:
John Calder
550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1600
Anchorage, AK 99517
or dropped off in person at the same address during business hours.
Destructive Government
The Northern Lights Hookah Lounge has been attacked by the State of Alaska through the office of Cynthia Franklin, head of the alcohol Control Board.
Cynthia issued a Cease and Desist letter to Northern Heights on behalf of the alcohol Control Board the day before the newly appointed Marijuana Control Board was to meet, which they have, and during that meeting they effectively nullified the Cease and Desist letter of the ACB, unfortunately for Northern Heights and their clients the ACB did not issue a recall letter on the aforementioned legal sledge hammer.
The owner of the Northshore Resort has no other option then to comply with the legally binding order of the ACB to protect their interests, so Cynthia Franklin forced the closing of a new business only 30 days after opening their doors on what was quite likely to be their busiest weekend thus far. I think this sort of strong arming is verging on mobster style actions.
If you can’t beat them beat their landlords and issue explicit threats that you know full well will be rescinded only hours later but that will still inflict serious financial hardship on the business.
I stopped in at the Northshore and had a delightful Moose’s Drool before heading down to enjoy some cannabis and conversation. I saw a couple folks I already knew, made a couple new friends and was intending to head back upstairs for dinner on the deck around 6. But on being informed that the lounge would have to close yet again I decided just to come home and make my own dinner. So it is safe to say that the Northshore ale House is also loosing revenue from the patrons of the lounge downstairs that will not be eating and drinking upstairs this weekend.
In a proper World we would have a place like this to meet with friends, in a proper World an immediate letter would be sent from the ACB on Cynthia Franklin’s letterhead rescinding the Cease & Desist letter, in a proper World those suffering financial loss would be properly compensated. But we all know this World just ain’t proper, don’t we?
Humboldt Traders Hemp Wick
I got my free sample of Hemp Wick from Humboldt Traders in the mail today and while I was expecting a small sample I instead got a 100 foot roll of heavy wick.
OK, so it’s hemp used to light cannabis, big deal, I have a butane lighter that does a fine job every time i use it, which is dozens of times a day, why should I use a Hemp wick to spark my bowl?
Let’s do a little research on butane, shall we?
A quick Google of “Butane inhalation” brought me to this…
Neurotoxic Effects from Butane Gas
Acute Intoxication
Because butane gas inhalants enter through the pulmonary system, they immediately enter into the blood supply and within seconds produce intoxication. The acute effects of inhalants include dizziness, hypertension (increased blood pressure), tachycardia (increased heart rate), impaired coordination, disorientation, temporal distortion, confusion, thick slurred speech, delirium, hallucinations, assaults and suicide attempts. Depending upon the inhalant, recovery may take minutes to hours or may not occur at all. Single episode use can be fatal because of oxygen displacement from red blood cells, hypoxia and asphyxiation. Victims of pulmonary effects are often found with a paper bag over the head.Profound relaxation and deep sleep usually follow the initial euphoric phase.Unpleasant symptoms reported after the use of inhalants include agitation, seizures, ataxia, headache, and dizziness.
Yea, I can see where I have been taking in a LOT of butane over the last 40 some years of chronic weed consumption, so I can see the upside to using Hemp Wick to cut back on the neurotoxic effects from clicking my Bic.
Also, Humboldt Traders has this on their website:
But what about the taste? does it really make it better? I can’t really say one way or the other but I did notice the ease with which I could “corner” my bowl with a more precise application of flame, properly done I can get 4 “green hits” off the same bowl, win…and I’m not trying to hold a lighter in a manner that mostly ensures it will singe my thumb…win, and when passing the bowl around the circle there isn’t the annoying “hot lighter” effect that can harsh a buzz.
Overall I give this a very good rating, and I will certainly allocate a few feet of it to my camping supplies and survival “bug out bag”.
Stop by Humboldt Traders and grab your own free sample, hey, it’s free, and they even sent me a free sticker to go along with it. I’m suspecting once you try it most will find it adds to the smoking experience, kind of like the exquisiteness of a Japanese Tea ceremony adds to the flavor of the Tea.
Valley Strain Report: Mango Tango v Purple Kush
The Mango Kush could be a great bud, I can see the popularity, the sample I got could use a little more time in my opinion
as I’d like to see the trichomes cloudy to amber.
Nice crystals and the bud is tight and has a nice fruity aroma, and hits decent. standing alone it would rate quite well…but…
Afghan Purple Kush, the OG of OGs, the granddaddy from the Motherland. Bred in the Hindu Kush and deemed fine enough that God built his Holy Anointing oil around it. The bud is dense. Not overly resinous as it could well be but sticky. pealing open a layer to release fresh aroma is a thrill, it makes you want to press the oil out of it and pour it over your head…go into a small, dark holy of holies and hot box the shit out of it.
Done right this is one of the finest smoking experiences known to man. This sample was almost done right…again, I think I would have waited a week or so…but it still does the job gangsta’ style. I know 4 people growing this strain and two of them are doing it well, this is the best
sample I’ve seen, dirt grow, full organic, HPS lights and subsonic lullabies.
North West Cannabis Classic
OK, just to be clear I’m not writing this article just because my comments were deleted off of their facebook page rather than responding to them, but it did move up the desire to write it considerably.
First off I think we should look up the definition of “classic”.
- used to say that something has come to be considered one of the best of its kind
- used to say that something is an example of excellence
- used to describe something that has been popular for a long time
The NW Cannabis Classic, as far as I can determine is none of the above. So it should just be called the NW Cannabis Related Carpet Bagger Event.
“Carpet bagger?” I can hear some of you asking.
- a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections.
- historical (in the US) a person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction.
- a person perceived as an unscrupulous opportunist.
As near as I can tell the NW Cannabis Classic does fit at least one of these definitions. Now, mind you I am not inferring that they are without scruples, I am saying that they are out of state opportunists trying to take your money and run.
We fought this war, we won this war, and now the Bra’s from the Island want to take a piece of the spoils of war.
“ANCHORAGE, ALASKA is the first stop of the NW Cannabis Classic, a multi-city cannabis competition, trade fair and educational event.
This 3-day event offers a can’t miss experience for visitors and vendors alike, complete with innovative product demos, 100+ vibrant vendors, informative seminars, live music, private outdoor medicating area (for 21+), lucrative networking opportunities, and undeniable excitement – it’s all happening here!”
Yep, it’s all happening here and the money is all going there…and by there I mean Hawaii.
Of course we all know where anchorage stands on using marijuana to medicate at an event such as this. I can just imagine the smoking lounge where every other person is passing because they can’t inhale while they are on duty. The law is the law and just because you want the law to go away does not mean they do. It usually means they come to see WHY you want them to go away.
I can’t see anyone pulling off a serious Cannabis Event in the Anchorauga area until at least the laws are in place to protect the consumer of cannabis.
I am hoping that perhaps the event organizers will install metal detectors to watch for guns, badges, cameras etc., but I seriously doubt they will. I do expect that a considerable number of ticket sales will be to various State and Federal agencies curious about what will be going on behind their closed doors, and I expect that will be the norm for at least a few years.
As my comments, innocent as they were, were deleted from their Fb page I’ll just leave them here and open the door for them to respond here should they so desire. But as they have never reached out to one of the oldest and most active cannabis activists in the State about their event I doubt they will bother now.
Registrar URL:
Registrant Name: Cory Wray
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